Saturday, October 30, 2010


My wife of 32 years, Sarah, was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.  As you can imagine, that news hit us very hard.  This blog is an attempt to chronicle our journey as we travel this unexpected path, together.

We are now beginning day 4 after diagnosis and it is already apparent that we take strength from three things:

1.  We rest in our salvation through our Lord, Jesus Christ; we're confident He is walking beside us (yes, even carrying us when necessary -- more often than not right now) as we go down this path. 

2.  We're grateful for our families and the heritage that God has provided, and continues to provide, and for the many ways that they shower us with love. 

3.  We're thankful for the fellowship of believers and the support of close friends without whom this task would be much more difficult.

All of you who know Sarah, know that one of her great character qualities is that she always thinks of the needs of others before her own needs.  As her husband, I have been the recipient of her generosity for many years; it's my hope that she will now allow me to give back in some small ways (I might even take over the task of ironing my own socks). 

Of course, being a man, my first inclination is to want to "solve the problem"; after getting over the fact that I couldn't do that, I decided to write about our journey.  It is my prayer that this blog will offer her hope and offer me an outlet for dealing with my (irrational) emotions -- more about that later.  Moreover, it is my hope that in some small ways, this site might be a comfort and a help to others that are facing similar circumstances.  Ultimately, my prayer is that we'll glorify God through this experience.

Lastly, I hope that those who know Sarah will not only visit this blog to catch up on where we are and how we're doing, but also offer her (us) words of encouragement (a dose of laughter now and then would be nice, too).


  1. We'll be watching for your updates. Prayers, hugs, and love to, not only you and Sarah, but your whole family!

  2. Dear Sarah, I am so sorry to hear this; you will be in my prayers daily. I admire you so much and I'm sure this journey will give us all more reason to admire you, your family, and the Father in heaven who loves and knows you so well.

  3. thanks for sharing this need - love to you both - we will be praying for you as you walk this hard part of the journey....

  4. Dear Sarah and Eric, You are certainly in our prayers. Sarah, if you need any current info about treatments and stuff, my dear friend Sally just went through all the decision-making and treatments and is doing great. She talked to many people about their decisions on a website. If you are interested, I can find out more. We love you and trust that God has a purpose in everything. Love, Cheryl

  5. We love you (Mom and I) and we're praying. We may not know what the future holds but we do know who holds the future!!

  6. David and I are so grateful to have this blog to keep up with you through this trial. I appreciate the scripture "We don't know what to do, but our eyes are on you"....We know your desire to keep your eyes on the Lord and we pray you have His peace that passes understanding. Much love to you all. Jane and for David

  7. I'm thankful for the blog so I know how to pray and how its going from across the world.
